Webinar : Maximising and leveraging retention

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18:00 - 20:00



Particular circumstances require particular adaptation, which is why our next meetup will be online! Join us to our webinar which will be focused on retention, an undervalued step of the acquisition funnel but that can drive fantastic results if we give it enough importance. Acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing one and we will have two special guests who will argue further more on this line. 

We will be welcoming:

  • Augusto Marolla, Pampers Global Associate Director – CRM & Loyalty at P&G. Augusto has been leading projects to increase the retention rate of some of the corporate’s brands, including the creation of a loyalty app which he will share about. He will also mention how he incorporated growth hacking methods within his team and while working with other departments.
  • Hector Zounon, Senior Manager Retention & Churn Management at Sunrise. Hector has made his career in Switzerland in the telecom sector, but most notably he was given charge of developing the Retention department at Sunrise. He more than doubled the revenues brought by retention practices and he will share some of them to us, in addition to implementing retention already at upper stages of the funnel.

We can’t wait to spend such quality time with you and our guests. A Q&A session after each speaker is planned and we will finish with a virtual networking session to continue discussing the topic.

Event open to all so don’t hesitate to share it, in the meantime take care of yourselves and stay safe!

  • Date: Wednesday 29th April
  • Program: 
  • 18h00: webinar starts
  • 19h15: virtual networking session
  • 20h00: end of the online event

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ChW71WxBQ1aE84UJFzwldw

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