2e colloque international sur le  » Job & Top Sharing »

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00:00 - 00:00

Novartis Campus


Job sharing in a digital world

Welcome by moderator, Ms. Karin Frei, TV Talk Show Host, Author, Managing Editor

09:20 AM
Address by Ms. Adèle Thorens
National Councillor, former co- President Green Party Switzerland

09:30 AM
Address by Ms. Sylvie Durrer
Director of the Swiss Federal Office for Gender Equality (FOGE).

09:40 AM
Leadership in a digital world – shared, interconnected, empathic
By Mr. Matthias Mölleney, Head of the Center for HRM & Leadership HWZ University for Applied Sciences in Business Administration Zurich.

10:15 AM
Experiences of top sharing in business: not an option, a must!
By Mr. Claudio Felten, CEO CMX Consulting (Germany).

11:10 AM
Work smart: the state of job and top sharing around the world

Roundtable with Sara Hill, Founder, The Job Share Project (England), Irenka Krone-Germann, Co-Founder and Director of the Association PTO, Co-Founder We Jobshare Sàrl (Switzerland), Julia Kuark, Developer of the TopSharing Model, JKK Consulting (Switzerland), Anna Kaiser, Tandemploy Founder & CEO in Job Sharing (Germany), Paul Rupert, President Rupert & Company, Director Respectful Exits (USA), Mona Laudau, Senior Consultant & Head of Operations, Inner Action Group (France), Eszter Komondy, Trainer, Coach, Founder of TwinPozi (Hungary), Rong Zhou, Business Expert at Chuang Suisse (China).

11:45 AM
Roundtable: “Slash careers: collective intelligence at work »:

Gudrun Sander, Professor of Business Administration, UNISG, Valérie Borioli Sandoz, Member of Executive Committee, Travail.Suisse, Andy Keel, Founder TEILZEITMANN and Serial Entrepreneur, Johann Weichbrodt, Senior Researcher Flexibilization of Work, FHNW, Claudia Giorgetti Del Monte, Association Board Member and Representative of the Work Smart Initiative, Marci Alboher, Author and VP at Encore.org, USA, Sophia Dini, Labour Market Expert and Slasher.

12:25 AM
Collective book on jobsharing and new platforms on jobsharing
Presented by Robin Pasche, expert Communications PTO.

01:45 PM
Two parallel workshops for employers and employees

Panel 1: Why do employers implement job and top sharing? Creating better working environments for the future.
Moderation: Marc Benninger, Chief Editor, HR Today (French Edition)

Elena Folini, Head HR Products & Marketing l Diversity Swisscom, Judith Leuenberger, Head Diversity & Inclusion and Job Center Switzerland, Novartis, Nicole Drechsler & Magali Lähns, Project Manager for Internal Communications, IWB, Murielle Udry, Head of Development and Career at the Lausanne University Hospital, Marie Méan, Associate Physician in Top Sharing at the Lausanne University Hospital, Claudia Giorgetti Del Monte, Nicolas Woldmann, Manager im Tandem, CMX Consulting (Germany), Regula Kuhn Hammer, Equal Opportunities / Global Gender Issues, FDFA, Saskia Harthoorn & Anita van Rozen, Senior Policy Officers, Economic Affairs at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Panel 2: Finding working partners in a connected world: the advantages of job sharing for employees, freelancers and entrepreneurs
Moderation: Jenny Schäpper-Uster, President, Coworking Switzerland

Laurent Cuenoud, Co-Founder Eqlosion, Leverage of Sustainable Innovation for Entrepreneurs, Corinne Emonet, HR Expert & Coach, We Jobshare Sàrl, Mirko Humbert, Designer, Co-founder of We Jobshare Sàrl, Anne de Chambrier, Co-Founder of the PTO Association, Job Sharing Consultant, Nicole Tesar, Co-Editor-in-Chief “Die Volkswirtschaft” / “La Vie Economique”, Mathy Sommer, Workforce Strategy Expert, David Brühlmeier, Chairman of the Board, VillageOffice Cooperative, Alexandra Marcoin-Karacsonyi, Managing Director, Hireandkeep.ch, Melissa Nicholson, Founder & CEO, Work Muse (USA), Simone McLaughlin, CEO and Founder Jobs Shared (Australia)

03:30 PM
Wrap-up of the two sessions in plenum
PTO Association

04:00 PM
Awards for 3 couples in job sharing
Gifts for speakers courtesy of Weisbrod-Zürrer AG

04:15 PM
Formal closure


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