Conférence : 1st Swiss Data & AI Observatory in Action

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08:00 - 10:00



1st Swiss Data & AI Observatory in Action : 

Revealing the Future of Swiss Business through Innovation & Expertise with Colombus Consulting, Oracle and HES-SO Genève (HEG) By Colombus Consulting

Program :

Check in & welcome coffee

08:30 – 09:00 1st Observatory on Data & AI initiatives in Switzerland by Jean Meneveau, Colombus Consulting

09:00 – 09:30 – Data Offices strategies par Yvan Cognasse, Oracle and Jean Meneveau, Colombus Consulting

09:30 – 10:00 – Interactive Q&A session & coffee

Agenda Highlights:

  • Maturity Analysis: What is the level of maturity of Swiss companies in the field of Data & AI?
  • Data Office strategies: Vision and added value of Data Offices, organisational integration, and roadmap for key projects.
  • Interactive Q&A with the audience: Next-Generation Analytics Solution boosted with AI will answer to your question, live!
  • Don’t miss this unique networking and learning opportunity.


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