Growth Hacking Geneva: Growth as a mindset

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18:30 - 21:30

École CREA Genève


Back to Geneva, but also back to basics as we are having a slightly different format for this time. We thought it was important to go back to the essence of growth hacking by discussing what its mindset is all about. For the occasion, this meetup will be split into two parts:

1. An opened panel lead by our guest speakers to share their experiences along with the audience, followed by

2. An interactive session where we will iterate and improve LIVE the lead generation funnel used by John Elbing for his consulting company


– Yves Zieba: Board member & Founder of several ventures, a Consultant with more than 20 years of experience in growth, merger & acquisition and market development (difficult to resume in one sentence all his incredible background). He will share his most insightful tips and explain what it takes to be always looking at the growth side of a business.

– John Elbing: Storytelling, Business and Marketing Strategy Coach at Standpoint. Coach at various startup support programs such as Innosuisse, Venturelab and Fongit but also Lecturer at HEG Genève. Besides sharing his personal experience, John will show us his lead generation funnel which we will have fun improving over the meetup.

A fun and participative meetup where everyone can share their two pennies on the subject of growth hacking. The evening will be spent in a stimulating space provided by CREA, the leading school in the fields of digital, marketing and communications.

Event open to all so don’t hesitate to share it, looking forward to seeing you there!

Date: Wednesday 20th November

Venue: CREA, Bâtiment 43L, Route des Acacias 43, 1227 Genève

If it will be your first time in CREA, it may be tricky to find. From the Carouge GE, Pictet-Thellusson stop (tram 15), enter the building by longing MediaMarkt on the right until you find an entrance. A (very) very long corridor awaits, where you will need to go to the far end of it and then turn right. A couple of more turns (indicated by signs) will bring you to your final destination! Also possible to come from the other side, on Rue Eugène-Marziano 25, through the same entrance next to Le Passeur de Vin (wine shop).

If you will feel lost, please contact +41 79 362 93 72


18h30: welcoming drink

19h00: meetup starts

20h15: networking

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