UX Romandie | Bastiaan van Rooden, The Innovation Myth

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19:00 - 21:00

Casino de Montbenon


Innovation is the buzzword of the day. Big companies start innovation divisions, hire innovation managers and spend huge amounts of time and money on trying to make innovation happen. Do we actually know what we wish for, how we can achieve it and –
why do we want it at all?

About Bastiaan van Rooden

When Bastiaan (@captspot) is not out and about in the Swiss Alps, you will find him designing digital products to make them simple, human and open. His first pixel was put on screen already in the 80s on an Amiga. In the meantime, he has become a diplomat in this universe, mediating between the planets Design and Development. Bastiaan’s work made him travel the world to adventurous places like Russia and Algeria, but also lead him to design jobs for Wired or for Pixar to the Siggraph in L.A. In 1999, Bastiaan founded Nothing Interactive (@nothingagency), where he pools talents who create design which has been awarded several times.


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