Woman in Digital : Media Manipulation

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18:00 - 19:30



Woman in Digital

Media Manipulation : How to cope with information warfare and its impact

Olga Wieber, shares her experience of what happened to her.

She lives in Germany and works as a commercial manager. She is a business professional, wife, and mother, living a quite « normal » life when one day while commuting she finds herself the subject of an information war. So, instead of accepting a new job offer, she spends her next weeks looking after the safety of herself and her family. This isn’t unique to Olga. In fact, the truth is that anyone of us can become the target of online warfare or identity theft.

Join us to learn more about her experience and how she coped with this situation. She will walk us through the methods of media manipulation in information warfare, presenting us with some spectacular examples of what can happen to anyone. She will address questions such as who is a powerbroker? What damage does manipulation cause? How can we recognize it? As well as what we can do to protect ourselves.


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